Product Description
The account caters for children under the age of 16 who cannot operate an account purely on their own. The Junior Stash Account aims to teach children how to be financially responsible and take control of their finances while cultivating a savings culture from a tender age. The account can also be utilised by the parent who wants to save up for their children’s future needs such as high school and university fees.
Target Market
- Account and non account holders with children, nephews or siblings below the age of 16.
- Children under the age of 16.
- All staff members
Account Opening Requirements
- 2 passport photos for the child, child’s birth certificate (also capture the ID were applicable)
- Parent’s ID and parent proof of residence. The parent applies the account on behalf of the child and in the child’s name.
To open an account visit any ZB Bank branch, application form Click here
Guide to using Junior Stash account